
Creation of the most modern research hub in Europe

Creation of the most modern research hub in Europe


To unite Ukrainian young scientists on the basis of a modern scientific space with favorable conditions for the development and realization of scientific potential in cooperation with international scientific communities.

Create a modern research hub that will include an analytical center, laboratories, lecture halls and educational institutions for children and youth. Invite scientific teams from different countries and, in accordance with international long-term memorandums of cooperation, assign a certain working laboratory to each country. Thus, to create a single friendly community of scientists who unite around universal problems and work in synergy to solve them.

The research hub has three global sections: physical, technical and mathematical sciences; chemical and biological sciences; public and human sciences.

In the future, ensure the promotion and implementation of scientific projects based on the inventions of the Ukrainian scientific community.


Create a modern research hub with an analytical center, laboratories, lecture halls and educational institutions for children and youth. Invite scientific teams from different countries and, within the framework of international long-term memorandums of cooperation, assign a certain working laboratory to each country. Thus, to create a single friendly community of scientists who unite around universal problems and work in synergy to solve them.

The research hub has three global sections: physical, technical and mathematical sciences; chemical and biological sciences; public and human sciences.


These days 3 out of 5 regional scientific centers of the National Academy of Sciences are located in areas where active hostilities are taking place. The employees of these representative offices and the scientific and technical base have been partially relocated to quieter regions.

Due to the slowdown and freezing of state government programs, there is a threat that scientists and their families will move from Ukraine. In addition, private research centers are completely undeveloped in Ukraine as part of the country's general scientific infrastructure.

We have to prom the growth of the role of national science as an important factor in the modernization of the country and the strengthening of its economic, diplomatic and defense positions.


Preparation of the final plan and financial component of the project.


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